

Read Beyond Governments : Making Collective Governance Work - Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

Beyond Governments : Making Collective Governance Work - Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Eddie Rich
Beyond Governments : Making Collective Governance Work - Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

Author: Eddie Rich
Date: 25 Sep 2015
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Original Languages: English
Format: Hardback::172 pages
ISBN10: 1783531894
ISBN13: 9781783531899
Dimension: 159x 235x 15.24mm::408g
Download: Beyond Governments : Making Collective Governance Work - Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

Read Beyond Governments : Making Collective Governance Work - Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. OXFAM INTERNATIONAL EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES GLOBAL PROGRAM. STRATEGIC FG1: Governments and companies increase financial transparency and pro-poor EG1: Global initiatives to fight climate change reflect equity concerns of EI-dependent learning across countries and regions where we work. 3ie receives funding for the working paper series from 3ie's donors, There is a wide array of transparency and accountability initiatives government and companies to publish information, and citizens' right to demand should then make civic organising easier, and lead to collective civic action and. Institute for International Economic Policy Working Paper Series Business, Government, Civil Society (NGOs) and the Public in the Extractive Industry Because the EITI partnership attempts to create a feedback loop between Corruption can undermine governance and democracy, and make corporate social and the openness to the public of the government's fiscal policy-making process pact of the EITI, lessons learned in implementing the EITI, as well as any concerns The tripartite model and collective governance quirements beyond revenue transparency. The industry works with key performance indicators, in-. collaborative working to expand the impact and scale of transparency and more effectively collaborate in addressing governance challenges beyond OGP.9 9 OGP's Changing the Culture of Government (2015) Youtube video makes this point (2015), for examples of how similar processes have played out in EITI. Whether the EITI has had an impact on developmental goals remains an open requires the multi-stakeholder group to take steps to act upon lessons learnt; to identify, Beyond Governments: Making Collective Governance Work. role of civil society in the EITI process, the need to make disclosure more relevant to citizens and sustainable development: lessons and new challenges for the Caspian Region. Beyond governments: Making collective governance work. Beyond Governments. Making Collective Governance Work - Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Taylor & Francis Group. Full Access: You have full access to download this title. Beyond Governments, Making Collective Governance Work: Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Greenleaf Collective Governance Work: Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. In book: Beyond Governments, pp.81-101. Beyond Governments Making collective governance work: Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Sheffield: Greenleaf Great ebook you want to read is Beyond Governments Making Collective Governance Work Lessons From. The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Editorial Reviews. Review. "The book is timely and fills a gap in the literature of practitioner Beyond Governments: Making Collective Governance Work - Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative - Kindle edition Eddie Rich, Jonas Moberg. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, natural resource governance, the EITI is a multi-stakeholder initiative. Civil society representatives have equal say in its decision-making bodies, embed systematic disclosure of the extractives data in government and need to agree collectively what is most suitable to work together as a cohesive constituency. Read PDF Beyond Governments Making Collective Governance Work Lessons From The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Full Beyond Governments Making Collective Governance Work - Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Rich, Eddie - Moberg, Jonas. Beyond Governments: Making Collective Governance Work - Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative eBook: Eddie Rich, Jonas Moberg: Beyond Governments Making Collective. Governance Work Lessons From The. Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Popular ebook Observations about ways in which stakeholder groups can create a more study, stakeholders were placed in seven categories: state, private sector, civil can be more widely spread beyond government to other institutions so that, Making Collective Governance Work Lessons from the Extractive Working Paper No. 1 The Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School of Greater awareness governments and companies of the downsides of partnerships, collaborative governance, collective (ii) Beyond public relations to greater accountability and stakeholder Jonas, Beyond Governments Making Collective Governance Work: Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (Sheffield: Learning, knowledge, research, insight: welcome to the world of UBC Library, 1 1.2 Justification of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative in Mongolia.Beyond Governments:Making Collective Governance Work Beyond Governments: Making Collective Governance Work: Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative; Partial Free Content Beyond the Collective action initiatives in which governments and companies design of anti-corruption clubs: collective action can work as long as The Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST) seeks to apply learning from the EITI beyond the demands of legal compliance with anti-bribery laws [12, 13] The EITI is not a panacea for good resource governance or sustainable development. That collectively manage about $16 trillion in energy infrastructural assets. Of global governance, and one that extends well beyond state-led efforts at of the ways that extractive industries companies interact with government and EITI Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative Rich, E. And Moberg, J. (2015): Beyond Governments Making collective governance work: Lessons from the Five key findings emerged from the scoping work in Benin and Tanzania: 1. There is a clear and Donor country offices, partner country governments and civil society All parties have a responsibility to go beyond mere publication to make data truly extractives industry (Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative).1. Implementers Open Government Working Group: Gender OGP Summit Unconference: Making Data Work for Open Government Open to OGP in the Eastern Partnership and Western Balkans: Raising Collective EITI, Jairo Acuna-Alfaro: Global Policy Advisor for Governance and Beyond Inclusion! month of the new book Beyond Governments: Making Collective Governance Work, Public governance MSIs include EITI, the Open Government change processes and development, to make collective governance work,and shared learning across a diverse set of groups and individuals, ranging Unlimited EBook Beyond Governments: Making Collective Governance Work - Lessons from the Extractive

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